Posts Tagged ‘Turned on’

Acthar Gel

December 1, 2010


Look closely my friends…this is a $24,000 bottle! I am not shitting you…
Just last night, I injected $5,000 worth into my right butt cheek.
Not EVEN kidding…it is ACTHAR GEL and it is suppose to help my body’s response to a nasty, MS cervical plaque that I have, decrease the hyperintense flair and the inflammation. No, I didn’t pay for it, that’s what insurance companies are for! The CEOs of the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies are doin ok, believe me!
I can’t believe that 5 ml of a gel, the consistency of bee’s honey really, could cost that much!
I have the annual earnings of some family, sitting in a little bottle, the size of a wine cork, right in my refrigerator… it’s surreal. My husband asked me if I could auction just a few cc’s of it off on eBay! Very funny, wise ass!
It’ll be gone very soon, very, very soon so don’t even try to come and find my house. Besides, you’d probably drop it on the ground and step on it and try to scoop it off your shoes and leave a sticky trail that any good police force could track down…
Now to the serious stuff, I wrote last night:
I AM MORTAL…I am not forever. I could end tomorrow…me and everything in me. So, I want to move forward, live each day fully, push, and push, and push to make my purpose known…my purpose for living.
I want every fiber of my being to find it’s purpose, find it’s meaning and connect with other human beings. I AM MORTAL and I will come to an end…me and everything in me.
I am grateful for this moment. I am in a warm home, clothes on my back, stomach full, dogs by my side, my husband in bed, my kids are upstairs asleep, I think… they should be living on their own, but they’re not, for now. They are where they should be, right here, right now.
I am walking, I am seeing, I am hearing, I am tasting, I am touching and I am speaking with my words. I sense the nerve fibers in my body, that’s more than Dan can do, you should know him.
I have found friendship and I have found love and I am love, because He is in me. He speaks through me and He will be heard; He CANNOT be denied.
No, I’m not nuts…I am very much NOT nuts. But, I am aware. I am tuned in, tapped in, and turned on! It feels pretty good, and if you get me, good, I don’t mind. And if you don’t, that’s ok too, it’s your choice.
Everything in life is about choices…EVERYTHING! Get it?????
I had a good boss once, he was kind of an a-hole, but I learned some good stuff from him. One good one was, obstacles are meant to be overcome, so, if you find one in your way, go around it some other way, you can jump it, sideswipe it or even crawl under it. You can even bust right through it like a giant bulldozer…sometimes it works…who knows! I am the bulldozer, too often, yea…I haven’t learned to be the ballerina that makes a graceful Jeté just yet, but I could work on it, with the right instructor. So, yea…