Archive for the ‘Family and Friends’ Category

My Mother, Allene…

December 30, 2010

2010 is nearly over…

the year my mother passed…

I want to share a bit of her life, of her, she was beautiful!

She had an unusual name, no one ever got it right…Allene…like AL – then LEAN.

Not A LEAN, not ALL LEAN…just AL LEAN…people like for other people to get their names right…it’s WHO they are!

She was born on February 7, 1927 in Rudy, Arkansas. Yep, my mom’s one of those, an Arkie.

But, she didn’t live there long, she grew up in Sasakwa and Seminole, Oklahoma.

In 1943, her family settled in Hayward, CA where she went to high school and her parents worked in the shipyard during the war.

In 1951, she attended college at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (BIOLA) where she met my father. At the time, they needed the dean’s permission to marry, and originally, they were going to get married in June. I guess they just couldn’t wait! So, they eloped in March, to Yuma, AZ, and married on the 21st. Mom, had quit school, I believe, and when dad came clean about the marriage, he was booted from school!! Yea…he didn’t graduate from BIOLA.

My parents first lived in LA until moving to Hays, KS in 1956. My older brother was born in 1953, and I was born in KS in yea…whatever, in 1957 (I’m young for my age, just like my kids! LOL!) right after they moved to KS. I was born in Hays. My dad graduated from Fort Hays and mom finally went back to college and finished the same year my little brother was born, 1966. Mom graduated from Fort Hays also. She became a teacher and taught high school English and Literature until 1992.

My parents:

Soul Mates

Part of my mom’s obituary read like this:

“Allene was family loving, kind and sincere. She was a devoted wife, mother and friend to many. As a girl, she loved riding horses. She was an avid reader and enjoyed sewing and knitting. Music was a large part of her life and she played the piano from a very early age. Her greatest passion was researching family genealogy, tracing family lineage back thirteen generations.”

Mom was a gorgeous woman, naturally so, never wore make-up really, never got to travel the world, except in books, led a quiet and peaceful life. I can remember her reading so much that I’d say “Mom? Are you going to make dinner? I’m starving…!” She’d say “Just one more chapter…” and it would easily be three or four more…she was voracious.

She was opinionated, she was strong, she was kind and gentle, she was intelligent. I’d like to think that I am like her in some ways…actually, many ways, she was always there for me…both my parents were, my dad still is…that is such a great gift in life! She sacrificed a great deal for her family…and because the three of us were so spread out…it was almost like they had an “only child” 3 times! I think that was rough!

She was articulate, well spoken, loved politics, loved old westerns, loved words and loved us!


I miss her and I don’t know how I’ve managed so well so far without her…she was such a part of every bit of my life until just 6 months ago. I guess I knew it was coming, I steeled myself…

Mom, I love you! Will always miss you! XOXO

Judicious mothers will always keep in mind that they are the first book read, and the last put aside, in every child’s library. ~C. Lenox Remond

My mother was a book to be cherished!

Wrote this September 30, 1974

December 15, 2010

Yea…I know this is someone’s birthdate…just a coincidence, surely…

See you…

Come on! I can’t be funny all the time…I just found this…I wrote it when I was in Creative Writing class back in high school…over 35 years ago, I still feel the same, I guess I loved writing even then.

“Deep down I know that I’m really nobody. I mean the world would get along absolutely fine without me and that’s ok because that’s life. I’m nobody and I’m really a rotten person sometimes, but at the same time I’m somebody – ME. There is no one like me in the world, there never has been, and there never will be and that makes me unique. I like being unique, it makes me feel like somebody. It’s good if you feel like somebody, because you’ll always get along in society just fine. It helps you grow up and mature as long as you don’t get too high of a self-image.

I felt like nobody almost my entire seventh grade year. I wasn’t worried about doing what everyone else did too much and it bothered the kids I knew. I think it made them feel kind of unsure of themselves to be around me so I didn’t have many friends. My parents were strict on me that year. I’m glad, I didn’t get the chance to run around and make a fool out of myself. I still felt left out though (then) and like a nobody.

You can make someone feel like a nobody when you try to help too much, when you are sarcastic, rude, and interruptive; you make people feel small. Ignoring someone makes them feel further away from you and also may lower their image of you at the same time. There are lots of ways you can purposely or not make people feel like a nobody. That’s why you should always be on guard of yourself. The times when I’ve made someone feel like nobody are too numerous to mention. It didn’t make me feel good then, or now.”



Later on…;Q

‘the donum’

Fallen Horses: Smash Mouth

A long summers day stetching out the cold
Searching for the answers and some say I’m not alone
Could you tell me where I might find fallen horses their spirits they
Blinded by the whiteness staring at the sun
I’m wishing that I had wings so that I could become one
Would you help me if I wanted to die I could ride off with horses
Tell me why
Why oh why
I said why
Why oh why
Now that I’ve arrived here I know I’m not alone
All my friends among me tell me welcome home
But could you tell me where I might find the one I’m looking for cause
her wings have

erin – had such a GREAT time with you tonight…so sorry about E!!!

Dare You To Move…

December 13, 2010

Lyrics to I Dare You To Move by Switchfoot:
Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone’s here
Everyone’s here
Everybody’s watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next?

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be


Maybe redemption has stories to tell
maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here!

Later on…;Q

‘the donum’

The Rose & Lioness (I took this photograph yesterday evening)

December 12, 2010
See the tall red rose…singular and alone…it stands so proudly, all alone, in the garden.

It even has thorns to keep people back, away from its grandeur..

But, there in the nearness…waits the lioness, fixed and solid, a backdrop for the rose, really…

water flowing freely from her faucet…as a pool of water collects…one drop at a time…slowly, cautiously, ever so gently.

The rose is magnificent, the deep red color of blood, fire and heat…

It stands so proud, but so alone for now…so very alone…or so it thinks.

Maybe one day, the sun will pull the rose ever so slightly toward the lioness…and it will see that it is not alone after all.

They are both there in the garden together…a quiet, solitary, peaceful garden, where things grow and blossom, because, well, because they can.

The rose & lioness…




Later on…;Q

‘the donum’


December 10, 2010

This is a story about soft…

The softest thing I know of at this moment is the black fur of my faithful companion, Mishy. Mishy is a six-year-old little black boy cat…he is the smartest cat I’ve ever known…except for ‘eggs’…and the two of them got along very well…before ‘eggs’ disappeared one autumn day. 😦

Mishy was about 8 weeks old when my daughter snuck him home and I found them together in her bedroom, along with little brother…I knew immediately that something was up. And then, I saw him….What the HELL? AAwwww…..look at him… , and it was over.

My daughter went away to school and I had Mishy to myself. He bonded with me like he thought I was his mama. I could hold his little, black, soft body in both my outstretched hands and he sometimes, stretched out behind my back, next to the couch back, in a long, thin, tube of softly purring fur.

As a kitten, he fetched! He was crazy to fetch…small, metal, coiled springs that I bought at Home Depot. They would disappear and I’d have to buy more…one day, I was cleaning in the living room and when I picked up the corner of the oriental rug to vacuum the hard wood, I found his treasure trove! There were about 15 springs all gathered up in one bunch…crazy cat! It was almost as though he were a dog, burying his bones…

Mishy also would growl when strangers came to the door…and still does. He has been the best little watch-cat! He even hears a noise before the two dogs. And, he sleeps with me every night. The only exception is when someone accidentally leaves him out on the veranda upstairs. Then, he’s grateful he even got to go outside at all! It’s the only outside place he’s allowed…

On New Year’s Eve of 2008, I had four of the strangest dreams and I wrote them all down in the morning. This was one of them:

~ I had a dream about my black cat, Mishy, who loves me very much. I have been gone from Mishy long enough for him to think I’m not coming back. I come home and ask my husband where Mishy is…He says “down in the field” and he takes me there. It is like a farmyard with a big, open fence. A cat could easily get through  the fence, and yet, he is there. My husband picks him up and brings him to me. Mishy is crying, wet tears are running down his face.

I love him and I tell him that I’m home. ~

Big Bear’s fur is soft too. Big Bear has so very many, many names: Big Bear, Bear, Ginger Bear, Ginger, Gingy, Gingivitis, girl…she is becoming the sweetest dog, and she is a Belgium Malinois. She is smart and loyal and obedient and loving. When she was a puppy, her reddish soft fur resembled that of the softest blanket. It was just like the Ralph Lauren blanket I have on me right now, nearly one of the softest things I have ever felt. After her shower, her fur is soft again, like it was when she was a puppy, and the hair around her ears looks all crimped, like she just came back from the salon! She is 16  months old now…:)

When my son was very small, very, very small, I would find something incredibly soft, like a warm blanket from the dryer, of one of his favorite stuffed toys (he had two, but his favorite was ‘Mister Bear’ – a highly unique and inventive name!) and I would rub it on his check and say “soft…soft…soft…” To this day, he is incredibly picky about shirts, sheets, blankets, you name it…it HAS to be soft. Just like him.

In college, I had a good friend by the name of Danny Remole. Danny had a girlfriend and he was faithful, so we were just that, very good friends. One night, he took me out on the back of his motorcycle for a long, long ride. I held on to his waist, put my head down on his back and braced myself…I knew he wouldnt hold back.

The night was cold and dark, the kind of night with big, bright stars in the sky and a clear, crisp moon, and we stopped to take a short break. When Danny looked at me, he had the biggest, nearly black, soft eyes. His eyes were always warm and nearly dripped big pools of brown chocolate, they were so soft…

He and I were only friends, we never crossed any other boundary, but we just seemed to care for one another.

Soon after, something Danny did or said, REALLY annoyed me and I shot back an angry, sarcastic, deeply cutting retort…and right before my very eyes, Danny’s own, those big, dark, chocolatey eyes, turned to stone. I mean, cold, black, frozen, stone eyes…there was no other way he was going to look at me.

I saw the change and it frightened me…that I could be responsible for instantly solidifying the chocolate into the blackest of granites…

Danny was a basketball player on our college team and the next night, we had a game. Before the game, I looked for him everywhere, I was frantic…I had to get to Danny. I would have to wait until after the game, and so, when we won, and everyone ran on the court to congratulate the team, I ran out too, and right up to Danny.

“Danny, I am SOOOO sorry for what I said (I was nearly in tears). That was so rude and mean of me and I can’t stand the way you’re looking at me now…(a few crocodile tears were now finding their way down my shirt). ”

“Danny, I really mean it and I will never say anything like that to you again! Danny, I’m sorry…tear, tear, tear…”

He was a lot taller than I was, probably 6 ft. 3 in. or so. And he leaned his head down toward me and I saw his eyes melt, right before my very eyes…they went from cold, black steel to warm, cocoa brown, soft, soft eyes…Danny’s eyes were the softest eyes I’ve ever seen. As I think back to that look, I can almost feel myself elevating, it was such a high…

Last night…

December 4, 2010

Last night was a night that I wish I could have filmed from beginning to end…just one of those few, special nights.

We were invited to a couple’s house for an evening of snacks, drinks and music. J & R have 3 children: J,16 & C,14 & N,11. The whole family is musically gifted! R’s parents were opera singers back in the day and he grew up around constant music of all varieties. J & R met when she was 18 and he was…near her age?.

They are Australians, born and bred, and have lived there for most of their lives until a few years back when they were transferred to France for R’s work. They are a refined, elegant, unpretentious family, full of laughter, camaraderie and music! R is a short, well-groomed, great looking, nicely smelling man who is outgoing and successful in everything he does. J is a stunning woman with olive skin, dark eyes and long dark hair that she pulls up loosely in a clip. She had on large, diamond studs and it is clear that her time in France has given her a unique perspective on food, surroundings and even, life! She seems to love life and I felt it coming through her…

J’s dining room is filled with a black baby grand piano with guitars, banjos and various other string instruments lining the walls. There is a red drum kit in the corner and microphones…the perfect set-up for creativity and inspiration. There was a large canvas painting hanging high on the wall in shades of light purples and turquoise…

Another family was joining the group, but we were the first to arrive. We even brought our 23 y.o. daughter & 20 y.o. son. I could sense that it might just be a special night, as indeed, it turned out to be.

We started out in the living room, a large room with massively, tall ceilings, large rectangular windows below and smaller , square windows at the top of the ceiling. The decor was impressive, simple, elegant, eclectic and welcoming. There were two large brown rattan couches seated across from each other, done in simple, white cushions with pops of color coming from the small pillows that were strewn carelessly, comfortably about.

J is elegant, but she doesn’t like a lot of fuss. There was a large, bright turquoise bombe chest framed between the lower, rectangular windows which were dressed with simple, brown textured, bamboo valances. The painting above the bombe chest was interestingly unique. The woman almost looked like a Geisha with dark, raven hair and small chopsticks poking out in just the most, symmetrical way.

The background of the painting was done in soft, yet warm, blue tones, like the color of a robin’s egg and a large 50’s looking art deco lamp with a long, long neck and short, stenciled lamp shade, done in an earthy cream-colored linen sat on the chest. I looked at the wall long and hard, I could barely take my eyes away…it was so unique, so perfect in every way…if only the large wall behind it had been painted a deep, dark black.

Yea, the whole wall…the black would have brought out the beautiful woman’s dark hair and the turquoise bombe chest and lamp would have totally popped! Oh well, it was still so lovely and pleasing to the eye.

There was a large, ruggedly wooden topped, coffee table in the center of the room, placed perfectly between both couches. It was also unique with rugged, softly sculpted legs completely encircling the table, done in a very soft, brushed, messy, light turquoise color. The legs were carved such that they ended in scrolling, fleur-de-lis shapes. I happen to have a thing for the fleur-de-lis, it is my personal symbol. I have no idea why, but I collect beautiful unique jewelry displaying the fleur-de-lis in all it’s many forms. My favorite is a large, solid gold piece with 3 different stones set in the ends of each petal. It is weighty, signficant and beautifully done…

The fleur-de-lis, is a symbol dating back to Mesopotamia, early Egyptian bas-reliefs, Gaulish coins, Mycenaean pottery, Japanese emblems and Dogon totems, among others and is translated as “flower of the lily.” Also, representing French royalty, it has long been believed to signify the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Christianity due to it’s three, distinct petals.

Knowing no boundaries of geography and common to all eras and civilizations, the lily is a widely viewed image as seen on the flag of Joan of Arc as she led victorious French troops against the English, in support of the Dauphin, Charles VII as he fought for the throne of France.

Military units, including the U.S. Army, have long used the fleur’s resemblance to a spearhead in identification of strength and martial power.

As well, the Roman Catholic Church has ascribed the fleur-de-lis as the emblem of the Virgin Mary, a benefactress of the lily flower.

It is also said to signify perfection, light, and life.

Read more at:    

There were various festive silver deer arranged randomly on the table, for Christmas…and oh, there was a beautiful little Christmas tree decorated in complimentary colors of turquoise and purples, just to the side of the bombe chest.

There was festivity in the air and various aromas of tantalizing food. Having just moved from France, R & J had planned a simple arrangement of various cheeses, crackers, lightly sliced salami, thick crusty slabs of french bread, and giant green olives. There was also a platter of foie gras with a dish of saucy blueberries, figs cut just in half, their soft and purplish, seeded centers peering out from malleable, leathery skins.

Champagne was freely flowing and bubbled in strawberry filled, glass champagne glasses. Later in the night, some of the bottles were opened by saber as everyone gathered around the swimming pool, in anticipation of a possible explosion of glass and bubbles.

The other family arrived and were not disappointing as I’d never met them before, although my husband had known and worked with this other gentleman for many years…the family had just transplanted from Seattle and are finding their roots in this new, strange environment.

The husband, R, was tall, smartly dressed, casual, and yet, he gave off the air of confidence and success. His wife, K, was lovely…the sweetest spirit wafted from her very essence and I was drawn to her immediately. They had brought their two children, A, 17 today! Happy Birthday A! a stunning looking girl with long, long blond hair down her back and beyond, she was of Norwegian descent, from R, and L, about 14, and A’s friend, Bella.

Their son, L, was also very blond with thick, coarse, disheveled hair and younger, though he remained quiet through most of the night. I sensed the awkward time of life for him, the age of time when a young boy begins to turn slowly, magically, into man (or so we hope), though clearly it would take some time.

R & J’s son, on the other hand was only 17 but exuded the presence of a grown man, he was clearly comfortable in his own skin…completely! He has been to boarding school in Switzerland, speaks several languages, and is, clearly, without doubt a gifted musician at his young age.

As more chairs were pulled up around the large coffee table and additional food was brought in, soft french cheese covered with cranberries, wheat crackers and a lightly spiced dip, slightly mexican? with chips and oh…yea…these soft little bits of bread, done in small rectangles and covered with salmon, lox, and staged with soft cream cheese and chives.

I said to J, “please never serve dinner here – ever!” It was the most delectable spread of oral decadence! It was almost ungodly, it was so satisfying in every way.

J began the music by pulling his chair up to the center of the group. The first song he sang was the hilarious, The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room by Flight of the Conchords…yea…

Flight of the Conchords

J sang it unabashedly and belted it out in all the right parts…Cause you’re so beautiful, Like a, tree, Or a high-class prostitute…we all laughed out loudly, who could not…laugh their asses off…

The Most Beautiful Girl In The Room

Looking round room,
I can tell that you
Are the most beautiful girl in the…room.
In the whole wide room

And when you’re on the street
Depending on the street
I bet you are definitely in the top three
Good looking girls on the street
Depending on the street
And when I saw you at my mate’s place
I thought what…is…she…doing…
At my mate’s place
How did Dave get a hottie like that to a party like this

Good one Dave!!!
Ohhhh you’re a legend, Dave!
I asked Dave if he’s going to make a move on you
He’s not sure
I said “Dave do you mind if I do?”
He says he doesn’t mind
but I can tell he kinda minds
but I’m gonna do it anyway
I see you standing all alone by the stereo

I dim the lights down very low, here we go
You’re so beautiful
You could be a waitress
You’re so beautiful
You could be an air hostess in the 60s
You’re so beautiful
You could be a part…time…model

And then I seal the deal
I do my moves
I do my dance moves
It’s twelve oh two
Just me and you
And seven other dudes
Around you on the dance floor
I draw you near
Let’s get outta here

Let’s get in a cab
I’ll buy you a kebab!
Now I can’t believe
That I’m sharing a kebab with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen
With a kebab

Why don’t we leave?
Let’s go to my house and we can feel each other up on the couch
Oh no. I don’t mind taking it slow-ho-ho, no-ho-ho, yeah.

Cause you’re so beautiful
Like a, tree
Or a high-class prostitute
You’re so beautiful
Mmm, you could be a part-time model

But you’d probably have to keep your normal job
A part-time model!
Spending part of your time, modelling,
and part of your time, next to meeeeeeeeee!
My place is usually tidier than this…

I knew instantly that he needs to be discoverd…he followed up with an original, the funniest song I have EVER heard, maybe in my entire life, while accompanied by his younger brother N, who clearly idolizes J, and should.  N is an 11 year old who had an audition today in L.A. for a movie…he is Macaulay Culkin on steroids (and a nice kid)! The kid is a natural, young-looking for his age, also completely uninhibited and between the two of them, we were all nearly rolling on the floor…sorry I can’t give you the lyrics. Read it in the press…

J followed with a song he wrote three years ago at the age of 14 and I instantly heard it on the radio, it was catchy, I’d listen to it again, and again. He has an amazing voice and plays the guitar like he’s been doing it his whole life. He sang it toward his very lovely girlfriend who was sitting right next to him. She should become a model.

I didn’t tell you about Hubble, named after the telescope, according to N! He was a tiny, little dog, I have no idea what kind but his body was white and speckled and the top of his little head looked like a cross section of brain that you see on an MRI slice, black with a little white creavage just running down the middle of the black.

He was roundish and his little belly was smooth and full. He liked being rubbed and I worked on his ears for a good five minutes. Then, he was mine…all mine…oh, except when K started feeding him tiny little morsels of chicken from wings we were served as well. Traitor!

Soon, we moved to the baby grand and J played and sang a bit more. Then, his parents R & J began to sing and either of them could be a recording star. J belted out Bob Marley’s No Woman no Cry and I nearly did. Then, KT Tunstall’s, Black Horse and a Cherry Tree. God, it felt so good. I’d give anything to sing like that.

We were all gathered around singing along, clapping and revelling in a moment; one of freedom, creativity, raw talent and no pretension…not a drop of pretension in the entire evening. What a relief in life. That’s what I’m looking for, the raw, emotional, real life drama of every day events and people who are LIVING!

I can’t begin to tell you about N…he is the most animated kid I have EVER seen, belting out songs beyond his years in either a huge goofy voice, or one of a chipmunk, clearly under the effect  of helium!

I looked over at my husband and son and they could not contain themselves. EVERYONE was laughing so hard, I thought I might pee my pants. He HAD to have landed that role today.

I asked him if he knew what 100% was and he nodded yes. So, I asked him if he knew what 200% was and he didn’t. I said it’s just twice as much and tomorrow, you have to be 200%! I also danced with him, spinning him around and twirling him underneath my hand. He was resistant at first but then I told him that actors have to go with the flow and do whatever they’re asked to do ~within reason~ and give it their all. So, he did. My daughter shook her head at me, like, ‘oh, mom’, there you go again…can’t help myself, don’t want to.

Lastly, we gathered in closer to sing Christmas Carols like What Child is This ?, Silent Night and Jingle Bells… we wanted to sing them all!

But some of the kids had events today, little things, you know like SAT tests, movie auditions and club soccer games. And, in the end, all good things must come to an end.

So, we went back to the large wooden table for a french dessert of softly baked, thick meringue, covered in a creamy white whip and lastly, covered with freshly sliced strawberries and kiwis.. omg

I let Huble lick little teeny, tiny bits of cream whip off my finger. Such a good boy!

I’m practically having an o…just thinking about it…

NO, not Huble, PERVERT!

Not the dessert, but the evening, the kind of night I wish I could live every night of my life, if only, they are too far and few between, the intimacy, the connection and the love.

I wish you mine. xoxo

p.s. when i left their house, N called over to me “I’ll be 200% tomorrow.” I gave him a thumbs up!

Acthar Gel

December 1, 2010


Look closely my friends…this is a $24,000 bottle! I am not shitting you…
Just last night, I injected $5,000 worth into my right butt cheek.
Not EVEN kidding…it is ACTHAR GEL and it is suppose to help my body’s response to a nasty, MS cervical plaque that I have, decrease the hyperintense flair and the inflammation. No, I didn’t pay for it, that’s what insurance companies are for! The CEOs of the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies are doin ok, believe me!
I can’t believe that 5 ml of a gel, the consistency of bee’s honey really, could cost that much!
I have the annual earnings of some family, sitting in a little bottle, the size of a wine cork, right in my refrigerator… it’s surreal. My husband asked me if I could auction just a few cc’s of it off on eBay! Very funny, wise ass!
It’ll be gone very soon, very, very soon so don’t even try to come and find my house. Besides, you’d probably drop it on the ground and step on it and try to scoop it off your shoes and leave a sticky trail that any good police force could track down…
Now to the serious stuff, I wrote last night:
I AM MORTAL…I am not forever. I could end tomorrow…me and everything in me. So, I want to move forward, live each day fully, push, and push, and push to make my purpose known…my purpose for living.
I want every fiber of my being to find it’s purpose, find it’s meaning and connect with other human beings. I AM MORTAL and I will come to an end…me and everything in me.
I am grateful for this moment. I am in a warm home, clothes on my back, stomach full, dogs by my side, my husband in bed, my kids are upstairs asleep, I think… they should be living on their own, but they’re not, for now. They are where they should be, right here, right now.
I am walking, I am seeing, I am hearing, I am tasting, I am touching and I am speaking with my words. I sense the nerve fibers in my body, that’s more than Dan can do, you should know him.
I have found friendship and I have found love and I am love, because He is in me. He speaks through me and He will be heard; He CANNOT be denied.
No, I’m not nuts…I am very much NOT nuts. But, I am aware. I am tuned in, tapped in, and turned on! It feels pretty good, and if you get me, good, I don’t mind. And if you don’t, that’s ok too, it’s your choice.
Everything in life is about choices…EVERYTHING! Get it?????
I had a good boss once, he was kind of an a-hole, but I learned some good stuff from him. One good one was, obstacles are meant to be overcome, so, if you find one in your way, go around it some other way, you can jump it, sideswipe it or even crawl under it. You can even bust right through it like a giant bulldozer…sometimes it works…who knows! I am the bulldozer, too often, yea…I haven’t learned to be the ballerina that makes a graceful Jeté just yet, but I could work on it, with the right instructor. So, yea…

Walter Scott

July 13, 2010

My Son, Luke

July 12, 2010

I have a son who never lets me take his picture. He is 19. He moves or makes a face or turns his head  just as I am about to snap the picture. He is handsome now but he was absolutely the cutest little boy I have ever seen. He was the Gerber baby for sure.

Little Man

Poem of the Mother

~Myra Sklarew~


The heart goes out ahead

scouting for him

While I stay at home

keeping the fire,

holding the house down

around myself

like a skirt from the high wind.


The boy does not know

how my eye strains to make out

his small animal shape

swimming hard across the future

nor that I have strengthened myself

like the wood side of this house

for his benefit.


I stay still

so he can rail against me.

I stay at the fixed center of things

like a jar on its shelf

or the clock on the mantel

so when his time comes

he can leave me.



I have been trying lately, more than ever, to let my boy become a man.



The Saddest Day

June 24, 2010

My Mother died unexpectedly on Friday, June 18.

I flew across the country, got to talk to her and hold her sweet, soft hand although she could not talk to me. My Dad, my brother, his wife and I were all there with her.

My Mother's Hand

There will be an empty space never to be filled by another human being as long as I live.

She was an English teacher, loved literature and poetry. We found a journal of hers and only the first page had writing:

Alas, how easily things go wrong!

A sigh too much or a kiss too long,

And there follows a mist and a weeping rain,

And life is never the same again.


And things can never go badly wrong

If the heart be true and the love be strong,

For the mist, if it comes, and the weeping rain

Will be changed by the love into

sunshine again.


This was written by George MacDonald, a Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister.