La Casa de Palomas – My House of Doves

I have always loved birds…I am so very sad to see images from the Gulf. It breaks my heart because the problem goes on and on and on. You’d think if we could get Apollo 13 down from space, we could plug up a giant hole on our own planet! Call in the guys that solved that problem!

Growing up I had a parakeet named JuJu. She sat on my finger and kissed me and I did not keep her locked up in her cage. She freely flew around my bedroom as she wished and got pretty upset when I did close her door.

The home I live in now has 3 aviaries that were built here years ago. They were once filled with birds, but for now, I have 6 doves (palomas). I wasn’t sure if the cooing sound they made would become monotonous and annoying. It hasn’t. It’s oddly comforting and sweet.

The Dove Cage

The doves were here already when we bought the house and I told the previous owners we would keep them if they wanted us to. They did. They can be so amusing to watch.




What a sweet couple! Shortly after we moved in, we actually did have a baby hatch. At night, they cuddle up in pairs and sleep in the same spots, side by side. I walk into their cage to feed them and change their bird bath. They let me take their pictures and seem to like it when I visit.


Yesterday, I saw something I had never seen before. One of the doves was laying down in the bottom of the aviary, on it’s breast, with it’s wings completely spread out on each side warming itself in the sun. I wish I had had my camera then!

We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

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